Friday, February 12, 2010

Richmond Noir: Now On Sale!

Richmond Noir, a new anthology of Richmond-based stories published by Akashic Books and co-edited by our very own Andrew Blossom (with Brian Castleberry and Tom De Haven), is now on sale at Chop Suey Books on our Akashic Books shelf! And guess what? All copies of Richmond Noir are ON SALE. Buy Richmond Noir from us, get 10% off the cover price, every day!


  1. Richmond Noir. Fantastic. I read one story, put it down, can't stay away,and then am drawn into yet another Richmond neighborhood. The insider quips are enough to get this book. Did I mention the great stories. If you love or hate Richmond, this book will confirm your passion. Read it soon.

  2. I bought the book 2 Sundays ago and read it cover to cover that night. I keep thinking the stories really happened. Can't wait for the reading at NY Deli.
